Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 1...

and don't think i will bore you with DAILY updates!! lol... Nooooo, i actually like all of you - wouldn't put you thru that!

Today was the official first day...not that it was really all that different from a regular day - but i did head straight for the treadmill when i got up and did my interval walk/run for 20 minutes and i haven't been on that thing in well over a year! Mostly because i prefer to be outside to walk and i haven't ran at all since late last in spring of 2007 when my knees decided that was not a good thing to do at all, considering the force of weight that i was putting them thru! What i found surprising is that i started out my 'walk' at 3 mph, which previously was a jog for me...and i ran at 5 mph - which was something only the tanzanian daredevil would have done when i was carrying around over 80 lbs more! So i was very pleasantly surprised by the ease of it....not that there wasn't sweat dripping down my neck when i was done, but that's what i figure SHOULD happen if you're working at something.

Then i went to the gym mid-afternoon for my full body workout. I forgot a few things because, you know, i didn't want to walk around with a list looking like a nerd...which i feel is what i look like anyhow.... but i added in a few things too and got 3 sets in of everything plus time on the bike...and i was At least it wasn't too busy due to the's such a 'guy' place it totallllllllllly intimidates me!!! Hopefully that will pass in time as i get more comfortable with the machines...and that i won't drop anything and cause a 'fluster'!!!

Tomorrow it's an early morning walk...another new the dog and i will hit the sod field just before 6...yeah... A.M. ..... uugghhhhh....

Will check back in at the end of the week...Thursday is AB day.... think of me!!

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