Friday, August 29, 2008

The Beginning!

Ok, so to put things in perspective....once upon a time.... a long time ago...actually it wasn't all too long ago - my highest weight was... gulp.... 306. Yep, there it is for all the world to see! Please don't read this outloud to cute, single men!! Then over a few years i got walking, slowly tried to get a bit healthier and ended up...hmmm...less than that... lol. Last August i decided to stop eating anything with yeast in it and holy cow...the weight came flying off and the energy level went soaring! Since then there have been plateaus and frustrations, but overall i ALWAYS remind myself that this is about being healthy and fit, no matter the scale, no matter the size...who doesn't like it ..or me...doesn't have to!!! Now i have 20 lbs to go until i reach the 100 lb. loss mark from one year ago and i have already picked out the Tiffany ring i am going to buy myself as the reward!! I don't expect to lose the 20lbs in this next 12 weeks at all, but that's's more important to me to keep the weight off for life than speed loss!

So - as promised - here are the measurements:Neck: 13" Chest: 39.5" Waist 32 5/8" Hip: 45 5/8" Thigh 25.5" Calf: 12 7/8" Forearm: 9 3/4" Shoulders: 45 3/8"

Note that my shoulders and hips are pretty much the same size now, so at least i don't appear to be quite as pear shaped as i used to be!! I thought that was kinda neat looking at that this morning. I know, i know, it's supposed to be chest and hips...well good luck with that right now!!! LOL

Then there is this whole skin-fold measurement thing, but that gets complicated....let's suffice to say it's squeezing all the gushy fat parts with these sharp tongs to see how much less they read in millimeters....apparently this shows how much my skin is tightening or loosening (which will be the surgical part of the whole thing) - but i'n not going to get into that...too scientific for this group!! lolOkay, that's it for now! I officially start my 12 weeks on Labour fitting!!!

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