Wednesday, September 17, 2008

2nd week......

So i have completed week 2 and had a workout and re-evaluation with Frances last night.....

Down 2 lbs in 3 weeks....that's 82 lbs for those of you who are counting down to the 100 lb mark where 'linda-goes-to-Tiffanys-to buy-herself-a-ring'!! hahaha Now mind you, in the morning when i weigh myself, I am down 4 lbs..... but we will stick with the end of the day weight that reads on Frances much fancier machine!! Bodyfat readings dropped to 20 and 31.... one is a 'regular' person reading and one is 'athletic' person...i don't remember which is which BUT they are both down about 6 points from 3 weeks ago...... i don't understand it, but i know down is good!!! lol

Measurements are down bits and pieces, with the biggest difference of almost 2 inches in my hips....... and those caliper thingys showed some significant difference....mostly that some solid fat is dispersing into that globby chicken fat stuff, which it does before it disappears, although it makes your readings go up because now it's globby, it gets squeezed easier..... did you follow that????????? ......whatever......... trust me, i won't lose sleep over the whole thing!!

Confession of the week: I did miss out on Friday night's workout and Sunday's Diva walk because my cousin...who i have only seen twice..yes, twice in my whole loooooong life, came from BC for the weekend and I just couldn't get enough of family won out over grunting!!

This week's challenge is i am having a dinner party on Sunday and will be planning my menu so we ALL eat as clean as possible...but hopefully it will be soooo good they don't even realize it!! and no.. i don't know what i'm making yet!

I am actually getting accustomed to getting up at 5:30 and doing my running & honestly gives you so much more energy for the rest of the day...a bit, dare i say it...addictive???!

OHHHHH and get this...okay, no one who has said this to me is on this group so i will bitch....... last week i don't know how many people said to me "oh you look so good, you're not going to lose any more are you?" "you don't want to get too skinny".. (hellooooooooooo...have you looked at my thighs??) "make sure you don't get sick" ( i haven't even had so much as a sniffle in over a year! ie: fresh air, exercise, eating right...) "are you eating properly?" (as they stand over me with a big fat banana in one hand and a honey laden commercial granola bar in the other) and the big one which burns a whole in my tongue so i don't get real snotty - as they look at the bodybuilding picture i have of Frances on my desk "oh god, you don't want to look like that do you? that's ugly"......

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When i look at that picture, (insert any picture in your mind of a bodybuilder) what I SEE is: incredible determination, strength of character, amazing hard work, sheer guts and will power. And you know, i don't care if you have a body like that or are slugging around 300 lbs on a 10k walk.......THAT to BEAUTY!

so there!!!! lol

Have an awesome week!

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