Monday, September 8, 2008

First week.......

went pretty damn good!!! lol I did my run/walks twice and ended up running at a pace on my treadmill that i never would have dreamt of a year ago..... went for 1/2 hour walks on 2 other mornings....all of which involves getting out of bed at quarter to 6 so i can still do my 'stuff' and be at work for 7:30.... plus the ab work on Thursday, which was fine except i'm doing it with a 15lb fur ball that insists on sitting on me while i'm doing leg lifts, twists on the ball and i got a bruise on my back apparently from lying on the concrete floor in the basement to do this. Mental note to self...remember to come upstairs and do it on carpet!!!! Got in 3 full body workouts on top of it all and the only difference i noticed was that i was actually getting a growly tummy after dinner on the nights where i did someting in the that extra bit of activity is burning more calories, even at the end of the day!

I did have a few glasses of wine on Saturday evening at dinner, but other than that i was CLEAN!!!

Last night i was trying on different outfits for 'old people singing'...which starts tonight and contemplating how quickly i am going to need a boob job since this weight loss is making my chest disappear faster than the California coastline you know, i'm poking and pushing and pulling ... imagining...hahahahaaaaa... and then i did this thing with my chest muscles, as if i was doing a chest press, and honestly i have never done anything like this in the mirror before....and let me tell you......... i have got some SERIOUS pectorals going on there (actually i call them my 'CHESTICLES) !!! I was so impressed i went downstairs to show Matthew, who is lying on the couch with a giant bee sting on his thigh so he can't get away from me too fast... LOL. So i said, okay, look at my just flat like this. He eyeballs me with this look, you know...the 'you are such a moron but i will humour you' look. Then i flexed....and i could actually see his eyes narrowing in to see this TRANSFORMATION! HAHAHAA... It really made me feel like all that sweating and grunting and effort i have been putting into the presses and pullups are starting to pay off!

Anyhow, that is it for last week's update. Thanks for listening!

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